Cognitive behavioural therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a psychological therapy which helps to support, overcome and improve psychological conditions.
What is cognitive behavioural therapy?
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a psychological therapy which focuses on looking at an individual's pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviours then teaching the individual to overcome these difficulties. Cognitive behavioural therapy focuses on breaking the negative thought patterns which are often experienced by individuals with psychological conditions.
Cognitive behavioural therapy combines both psychotherapy and behavioural therapy and focuses on helping the individual to challenge their cognitive processes (thoughts, beliefs, images and attitudes) which result in negative effects on their behaviour and feelings.
Cognitive behavioural therapy helps the individual to develop new ways of thinking and coping strategies for their difficulties. Therapy can be successful in helping individuals to overcome their difficulties, resulting in an overall improvement of their emotional wellbeing and quality of life.
Cognitive behavioural therapy can be successful in treating many psychological conditions which are often associated with, and coexist with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, these include:
- Obsessive compulsive behaviours / disorder
- Anxiety disorders (Panic attacks, Phobias etc)
- Depression
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
The number of cognitive behavioural therapy sessionsneeded, will vary for each individual and be dependent on the severity of their symptoms and also their response to treatment. Cognitive behavioural therapy is known to be one of the most effective treatments for depression and anxiety.
Who can benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy, how can it help individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders?
Any individual who has any psychological condition or symptoms of psychological conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, and depression can benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy.
It has been found that individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other related conditions have a higher rate of having a psychological condition e.g. Anxiety or Depression.
Cognitive behavioural therapy can be highly beneficial in helping individuals with ASD to cope with and manage the symptoms of their psychological conditions. Cognitive behavioural therapy will help the individual with ASD to improve their state of mind in their day to day lives.
How do I book an appointment for cognitive behavioural therapy?
If you feel that cognitive behavioural therapy would be beneficial and would like to book an appointment with one of our therapists, please get in touch by using the form below .
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a psychological therapy which helps individuals to cope with and manage their psychological symptoms on daily basis. Cognitive behavioural therapy has been found to be effective in treating psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety. Cognitive behavioural therapy focuses on changing thought patterns and dealing with problems in the here and now rather than problems which have been experienced in the past. Cognitive behavioural therapy can benefit any individual who is experiencing symptoms of negative thoughts or of psychological conditions such as Depression and Anxiety. If you feel that any of our services would be beneficial and would like to book an appointment please get in touch by using the form below .