Notice: We are currently at full capacity and cannot offer screening assessments at this time

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Speech and Language Therapy for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

Speech, language and communication difficulties are some of the main difficulties experienced by individuals with PDD-NOS. Speech and language therapy isa key intervention for individuals with PDD-NOS in supporting, developing and improving any speech, language or communication problems.

Individuals with PPD-NOS may experience impairments in their verbal andnon-verbal communication skills as well as difficulties in social interaction. Each individual will vary with regards to the level of impairment; ranging from mild to severe. Some individuals may also have difficulties making eye contact, using facial expressions and gestures. Other problems that may also be experienced include difficulties understanding the meaning of words and sentences, intonation problems, and difficulty initiating and maintaining a conversation.

Speech and language therapists play a key role in the evaluation and management of individuals with PPD-NOS as they can provide interventions to help improve communication skills. There are a range of interventions available for individuals with PDD-NOS, each intervention will vary depending on the specific needs and abilities of the individual.

In general, Speech and Language Therapy for children with PPD-NOS aims to address the following areas:

  • attention and listening skills
  • development of play skills
  • motivation to communicate
  • social understanding
  • understanding of language
  • expressive communication skills
  • social skills
  • non-verbal communication - including means of expression and gestures
  • conversational skills
  • communicative aids and devices if appropriate

An initial assessment carried out by the speech and language therapist will determine the type and severity of speech, language and communication problems experienced by individuals with PDD-NOS. An initial assessment will also help to decide on the most appropriate treatment option for that individual.

In more severe cases where an individual has very limited communication or no communication at all, the speech and language therapist will introduce alternative ways of communicating. Alternative communication is any form of communication other than speech. This may focus on communication through sign language, pictures, symbols or the use of hi-tech electronic communication devices.

Speech and language therapists work closely with parents / carers and other professionals e.g. educational staff in providing the best possible treatment for the individual with PDD-NOS. Speech and language therapy aims to maximise the individual's communication skills to their highest potential in their home, educational and social environments.

The speech and language therapist will use a wide variety and combination of approaches to provide individualised treatment for individuals with PDD-NOS, ensuring that there is parent/carer involvement throughout.

If you feel you would benefit from our speech and language therapy service and would like to arrange an assessment with one of our speech and language therapists please get in touch by using the form below.

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