Notice: We are currently at full capacity and cannot offer screening assessments at this time

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Occupational Therapy for Dyspraxia

Occupational therapy helps individuals with Dyspraxia to function to their highest potential in their everyday activities.

The main goal of occupational therapy is to improve and develop the individual's functional skills which the Dyspraxia may be impacting on. Occupational therapy also aims to increase the individual's ability to carry out daily tasks effectively.

OT intervention - balance/co-ordination

OT intervention - balance/co-ordination

Occupational therapy can offer a variety of treatment options for individuals with Dyspraxia; however the type of treatment implemented will vary depending on how the Dyspraxia is impacting on the individual's daily life and also their specific needs and abilities.

The occupational therapist will carry out an initial assessment which will assess the individual's functional ability across a variety of activities and settings including the home, school, work and social environments. An initial assessment will determine how the Dyspraxia is impacting on the individual's ability to carry out their activities effectively and also the severity of their difficulties.

An initial assessment will also help to decide on what the best treatment option will be for the individual's specific needs and abilities.

Occupational therapy for Dyspraxia may focus on:

  • Adaptations to equipment to help the individual carry out daily tasks more effectively e.g. getting dressed, writing and using the computer.
  • Specific exercises and strategies to help and support the individual with everyday tasks.
  • Advice and support for educational staff to help and support the individual in their academic setting.
  • Advice and support for families, friends and parents / carers to help and support the individual in their home and social environments.
  • Specific strategies and advice for the individual to help them manage everyday tasks they may find difficult.
  • Risk assessment, to evaluate how safe the individual is in their environment. Following a risk assessment the Occupational therapist will be able to make recommendations on equipment and / adaptations needed to be made to ensure the individual is safe within their environment.

Occupational therapy will identify problems the individual is having in their daily activities and then work on ways in which they can overcome these difficulties. Occupational therapy will help the individual to break down the action they are having difficulty with into smaller stages, and then practise each individual stage.

Occupational therapy also provides individuals with physical aids and adaptations to help support individuals with their difficulties; this may include crutches, stair lifts and handwriting adaptations. Occupational therapy offers a variety of aids and adaptations; these will be tailored to the individual's specific needs and abilities.

Occupational therapy is highly beneficial for individuals with Dyspraxia. Occupational therapy helps to develop and improve functional ability and also provide strategies and advice to help overcome any difficulties the individual is having with their ever day living.

Occupational therapy will help the individual carry out their everyday tasks to their highest potential and also increase their independence.

If you feel you would benefit from our occupational therapy service, or would like to book an appointment with one of our occupational therapists please get in touch by using the form below.

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