How is Pervasive Developmental Disorders Diagnosed?
- How is Pervasive Developmental Disorder Diagnosed?
- How is Pervasive Developmental Disorder Treated?
- Occupational Therapy for Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Speech and Language Therapy for Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Physiotherapy for Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Why Us?
If symptoms of Pervasive Developmental Disorder are apparent, it is important that the child is fully assessed by a paediatrician or child psychologist as early as possible.
There are no specific tests that can confirm whether a child has Pervasive developmental Disorder; diagnosis is normally based on the child's level of development, their speech ability and behaviour, as well as an assessment of their play and ability to socialise.
The parent/carers of the child play a key role during diagnosis as they are often the ones who can provide the appropriate information with regards to changes in symptoms and developmental milestones.
In general, the child must have impairments in the following areas for a diagnosis of PDD:
- Speech
- Social interactions
- Repetitive behaviours
Identifying PDD will involve a range of healthcare professionals, who can assess and identify problems in specific areas of development. Professionals which will usually be involved include:
- Physiotherapists
- Speech and language therapists
- Occupational therapists
If you would like to arrange an assessment with one of our therapists please get in touch by using the form below.
- Asperger Syndrome
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
- Down's Syndrome
- Dyspraxia
- Epilepsy
- Fetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Hyperlexia
- Pathological Demand Avoidance
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
- Rett Syndrome
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Asperger Syndrome
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
- Down's Syndrome
- Dyspraxia
- Epilepsy
- Fetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Hyperlexia
- Pathological Demand Avoidance
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
- Rett Syndrome
- Sensory Processing Disorder