Notice: We are currently at full capacity and cannot offer screening assessments at this time

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Speech and Language Therapy for Sensory Processing Disorder

Some individuals with Sensory Processing Disorder experience delays or difficulties in their speech, language and communication skills which can be supported, developed and improved by speech and language therapy.

The speech and language therapist will carry out an initial assessment which will highlight any problems the individual has with their speech, language or communication. An initial assessment will also determine the type and severity of the individual's difficulties.

Following a thorough speech and language therapy assessment an intervention plan will be formulated. Each intervention plan will be individualised and tailored to the specific needs and abilities of the patient.

SLT group - attention game

SLT group - attention game

For individuals with Sensory Processing Disorder, Speech and Language Therapists will generally help to increase verbal skills, improve articulation and strengthen oral-motor control. They can also help individuals to expand their language skills which are often decreased due to vestibular or auditory dysfunction.

In more severe cases where a child is non-verbal (unable to speak) the speech and language therapist may explore options of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). AAC is any form of communication other than speech and uses sign-language, pictures, symbols and electronically aided communication devices to support the individual's communication.

It is also the role of Speech and Language Therapist to gradually increase different food textures into the child's routine and diet. Children with Sensory Processing Disorder may refuse to eat certain foods due to their texture and sensations, working closely with a Speech and Language Therapists will help to decrease this negative reaction to certain foods.

The main aim of speech and language therapy will be to maximise the individual's communication to their highest potential in their school, home and social environments. Speech and language therapists will work closely with other professionals including occupational therapists and educational staff in ensuring the individual receives the best possible outcome from therapy.

Not all individuals with sensory Processing Disorder will require Speech and Language Therapy input, however, if it is needed the individual should be referred as soon as possible.

If you feel that you would benefit from our speech and language service or would like to arrange an assessment with one of our speech and language therapists please get in touch by using the form below.

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