Notice: We are currently at full capacity and cannot offer screening assessments at this time

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Physiotherapy for Fragile X syndrome

Individuals with Fragile X syndrome may not require physiotherapy, however if they experience difficulties in their motor movement, balance, posture or any aspect of their physical development they will benefit from physiotherapy input.

Physiotherapy will provide activities, advice and support for individuals with Fragile X syndrome, their families and others who are involved in their care. Physiotherapy aims to improve motor control, posture and balance of an individual with Fragile X syndrome.

The type of treatment provided will be dependent on the individual's specific needs and abilities, the type of physical difficulty they have and also the severity of their difficulty.

Children with fragile X may have difficulty with their balance which can result in difficulties in physical activity e.g. walking, standing, and riding a bike etc. Individuals with Fragile X syndrome may also have delayed motor skills development; however they will usually acquire these milestones on time.

Physiotherapy will carry out an initial assessment to determine what areas of physical development are affected and also the severity of their difficulties. An initial assessment will also help to decide what the best treatment programme will be for the individual's specific needs and abilities.

An individualised treatment programme will be implemented and tailored to the specific needs and abilities of the individual with Fragile X syndrome. Treatment goals will be made jointly with the individual and / their parents or carers.

Physiotherapy will provide a variety of treatment options for individuals with fragile X syndrome, however the type of treatment programme used will depend on the specific goals of treatment and also the abilities and requirements of the individual with Fragile X syndrome. Physiotherapy will help to improve physical balance, strength, posture and coordination which can be achieved through the following treatments:

  • Physical exercises
  • Stretches
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Massage
  • Traction
  • Teaching parents or carers how to carry out an exercise programme on their baby's muscles.

Physiotherapy is highly beneficial for individuals with Fragile X syndrome if they have difficulties in their mobility or physical development. Physiotherapy will aim to develop, improve or support any physical difficulties the individual has.

If you feel that our physiotherapy service would be beneficial and would like to book an initial assessment with one of our physiotherapists, please get in touch by using the form below.

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